What’s On My Baby Registry
October 4, 2019
With our baby shower a few short weeks away I wanted to share my Baby Registry items with you guys! It took me a long time to complete this list…as I said before a ton of my friends are pregnant so I basically gathered all their registries into one and then...
How to Dress the Bump without Buying Maternity Clothes
August 8, 2019
I’ll be 18 weeks on Saturday! Almost half way there – I can’t believe it! I’ve managed to go this long without having to buy any Maternity clothes and I must say…I’m pretty proud of myself. I wanted to prolong having to buy...
How to Find the Perfect Angle for your Blog and Instagram Photos
January 8, 2018
I’ve been blogging for what feels like an eternity and I’ve learned a ton of things along the way, the most helpful being angles and photography. If you search my blog “Stiletto Beats” or my name (formerly) “Emily Jenny”...
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