I can’t believe I’ve been a mom for 5 months now! It is by far the most challenging yet rewarding role I’ve ever had. But, postpartum is HARD one of the hardest things for me in this postpartum season has been the hair loss. I knew postpartum hair loss was a thing…I just didn’t know what to expect or how bad it could be…and let me tell you…I was SHOCKED!
My hair loss started overnight. I simply woke up one morning around the 4 month mark and began to shed. I’m not talking a few strands in the sink…I’m talking fist fulls of hair coming out during every shower and brush. I found myself having to run my fingers through my hair multiple times a day to gather the loose strands and discard them.

I cried. A lot. Seeing all that hair every single day was scary. I don’t have much hair to begin with so my mind started to spiral. Am I going bald? Will this last forever? I feel SO ugly! And the negative thoughts just went on and on…
First off I want to say that postpartum hair loss (for the most part) is a season. I had to keep reminding myself that this too shall pass…it’s here for a few months…maybe up to a year and then it will stop! I also decided to take matters into my own hands to aid the regrowth process. I did a ton of research and decided on a few things.

The first part of my hair regrowth journey was preventive. I decided (and thanks to Covid it just naturally worked out) that I wasn’t going to dye my hair or add extensions for awhile. Putting harsh chemicals on my roots would do a huge disservice to the strands of hair hanging on to my head. As would adding extensions. I also stopped using all heat products. Essentially I just let my hair be.
The second part of my hair regrowth strategy was how to speed up the actual growth process. I knew that new hair would be coming in and that hair grows in cycles. So what could I do to kick start it? I researched and came up with a plan. I used all the products listed below for one month and have seen INSANE results. The photos speak for themselves! I have SO much hair growth, especially around my hair line where the balding had begun. My overall hair feels thicker and longer!

Below is my list of products and how I used them! I hope this post helps any of you going through postpartum hair loss…or hair loss in general!
JS Health Hair + Energy Vitamins – Everything starts from the inside out including hair growth! I knew I needed some type of hair vitamin to help nourish my body to grow and strengthen my hair. I started to take JS Health Hair + Energy Vitamins once a day. They are filled with Zinc and Kelp which both aid in restoring hair growth and volume! Game changing product!
Castor Oil + Olive Oil + Jojoba Oil – After researching hair growth serums and topical products I decided to go the natural route first. Nothing is better than having the full potent natural source on your head. Why pay for a product that has someee castor oil or whatever it may be. I knew castor oil was great for hair growth because I had applied it to my lashes a few years back and my lashes grew so long! I also new jojoba oil was good for hair growth, and olive oil good for nourishing my strands.
I made my own little concoction: 1/4 cup castor, 1/4 cup olive oil and a few squirts of jojoba oil. I put this in a little dish next to my sink and applied to my scalp with my fingers the day before a hair wash. Essentially I would put this oil blend on my scalp 2-3 times a week!
Scalp Massager – I used to roll my eyes at the thought that a scalp massager could help grow hair. But let me tell you…it can! AND it feels amazing. I did a ton of research into this and after all my readings it just made sense. The scalp massager stimulates the hair follicles, rushes blood to the area and breaks down any hair product build up. I use it in the shower when applying my shampoo, I use it after I put on my oil blend, I use it while I do emails…watch Netflix. Any chance I get I simply rub the rubber bristles on my head.
Pantene Hair Volume Multiplier / Pura dor Anti Hair Thinning Shampoo – As I stated, I wanted to go the natural route. A lot of people had responded to my DM’s with shampoos and hair systems that claim to regrow hair. To be honest I was so sensitive and afraid to use any product that MIGHT just have a chance of doing the opposite of growing. So I decided to not use any product that actually claimed to grow hair. Instead I focused on using shampoos that were preventive and made my hair feel good.
I first bought Pura Dor Anti Thinning Shampoo which I really like and then I discovered this new Pantene Hair Volume Multiplier which I loved even more. Both shampoos give my hair so much volume and fullness! They are also sulfate + silicone free and just great shampoos to use.
I used ONLY these products for a month straight and the results can be seen in the before + after photos!
Love you guys and hope this post was insightful.

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