With our baby shower a few short weeks away I wanted to share my Baby Registry items with you guys! It took me a long time to complete this list…as I said before a ton of my friends are pregnant so I basically gathered all their registries into one and then revised from there.
I’m not a fan of STUFF and Baby V’s registry is filled with only the absolute essentials. I wanted to pick 1. quality items 2. items I would actually use (because let’s be real there are a TON of gimmicky things) and 3. gender neutral pieces that can be used for boy or girl (remember I want four). I also want to note that I did not include items for when he is older. I stuck to what I would need ASAP rather than what I would need when he is 6 months and on. The reason being that 6 months is a long time from now so I might change my mind on products!
Emin and I decided to purchase the bigger ticket items: crib, dresser, stroller and car seat so I’ll share those items in another post for you guys.
I’ve broken down the list into categories to make it easier to shop! I hope this helps all my mamas to be out there. Remember what may work for someone else’s baby may not work for yours so everything is trial and error!
Honest Baby Shampoo + Body Wash
Newton Baby Crib Mattress (organic, breathable, non-toxic)
Ubbi Steel Odor Locking Diaper Pail
Waterproof Changing Pad Liners
Burt’s Bees Organic Changing Pad Cover
Tommee Tippee Bottles
Comotomo Bottles
4moms rockaRoo Compact Baby Swing
Newborn Baby Head Shaping Pillow
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