There is something so peaceful about a vast open field.
Especially in the warm summer sun.
Staring out into the distance makes me feel like anything is possible if I put my mind to it. 
*A mantra I am trying to reinforce every single day (and one you should too).
The world is such a big place and I truly believe in making your mark while you are here. 
To be quite honest I think that is why I have kept posting on StilettoBeats. 
My blog is a daily reminder that creation transcends time and my blog will be here long after I am gone. 
It is also a reminder of how lucky I am to have a digital family…because of my blog.
Connecting with all of you, reading your comments below, on Instagram and chats on Twitter empower me.
They make me feel like anything is possible, they make me feel like a girl with straw hat in an open field.
wearing: shorts and top – c/o Shop Akira, heels – Zara, hat – Urban Outfitters, sunglasses – Celine

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